Chochmat HaLev​


עמוק מי ימצאנו


with Chochmat HaLev

A Message from Our Spiritual Leader

These High Holy Days mark Chochmat HaLev’s 30th anniversary! To celebrate, we are kicking off a year of opportunities to go deeper with us. As the ancient Israelite king Kohelet asks in the book of Ecclesiasties, on his quest to discover the meaning of life: “עָמֹ֖ק מִ֥י יִמְצָאֶֽנּו” – “Where can I find real depth?” As we enter our fourth decade on the leading edge of Jewish spiritual innovation, this booklet is our attempt to help you answer Kohelet’s question.

Go Deeper in Your Spiritual Practice: Don’t just be a passive consumer of spirituality. Take control of your own journey. Find meaningful ways to bring Jewish practice into your life. Try out more of our weekly prayer services or holiday celebrations. Deepen your knowledge of Jewish ritual, ancestral wisdom, music, embodiment, or meditation. Study with world-leading scholars and mystics and diverse thoughtful peers. Bring Jewish wisdom into your workday at OpenLev Soulful Coworking. And bring the whole family along for the journey with our new slate of innovative children’s programming.

Go Deeper in Your Relationships: We’re living amidst a crushing loneliness epidemic, surrounded by superficial soundbites and glossy facades. How might you invest in building relationships where you feel seen in all your complexity? In which you can be truly vulnerable? With people who will be there for you in times of pain and joy? Connect with fellow spiritual seekers in our new small group experiences, affinity groups, intergenerational shabbats, family programs, and more. Let down your masks, skip the small talk, and connect soul-to-soul.

Go Deeper in Service: Chochmat depends on the support of our community to make all this happen. We’re a scrappy organization, but can accomplish more than our meager budget would suggest because of the efforts of people like you. Claim your place as part of the Chochmat family by joining as a member. Donate financially so we can keep offering what you love. Volunteer by serving on committees or occasional support roles at our events – a great way to make new friends too! This is not a “taking” community: Lean into the Jewish value of avodah (sacred service) as part of your spiritual practice. Don’t assume that someone else will do it – we can’t do all this without you.

I look forward to going deeper with you this year.


Zvika Krieger

Spiritual Leader, Chochmat HaLev



High Holy Days


Erev Rosh Hashanah Services

Wed. Oct. 2, 7-9pm @ First Presbyterian

GO DEEPER Lounge – 9pm

Join us in the courtyard after services to ​schmooze with friends old and new, debrief ​your prayer experiences, and set New Year ​intentions.

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Services

Thu. Oct. 3, 10am-1:30pm @ First Presbyterian

GO DEEPER Picnic - 1:30-4pm

Willard Park (2730 Hillegass Ave)

Join us for lunch just six blocks away! We’ll ​have easy ways to meet new people, and a ​dedicated family section near the ​playground. All are welcome. (Bring your ​own lunch or pick something up from ​Whole Foods, then come enjoy together!)

Rosh Hashanah Day 2

Fri. Oct. 4

Torah Study (10am)

Contemplative Service (11am)

at Chochmat HaLev (2215 Prince Street)

Picnic & Tashlich Ritual (1 pm)

At Urban Adamah (1151 Sixth Street)

Community-wide lunch and ancient ritual for ​casting off what is no longer serving us. Bring ​your lunch!

October 7 Memorial Vigil and Grief Circle

Mon. Oct. 7, 7pm, at Chochmat HaLev

Gather in community to grieve the one-year ​anniversary of this horrendous tragedy and the ​countless lives lost since then. Singing, prayers, ​Jewish wisdom, contemplation, and sharing, led by ​Zvika and Lior.


Kol Nidrei & Erev Yom Kippur Services

Fri. Oct. 11, 6:30-9pm at First Presbyterian

Yom Kippur Day

Sat. Oct. 12, at First Presbyterian

Contemplative Service (10am-12:30pm)

Interactive Torah Service, Shofar, and Musaf ​(12:30-2:30pm)

GO DEEPER Afternoon Workshops (3:15-4:15pm):

  • Art as Midrash (led by Nadine Rosenthal)
  • Restoration and Repair (led by Mischa Byruck)
  • Connecting with our Ancestors

(led by Ellie Schindleman and Naomi Baran)

  • Join Community Weaver Brittany Berman in the ​courtyard to meet new friends.

Yizkor Memorial Service (5:00pm)

Neilah Concluding Service, Shofar Blasts, and ​Courtyard Celebration (6:30 pm)


Tishrei Tea Time with

Spiritual Leader Zvika Krieger

Wednesdays October 9 and 16, 6pm-7pm

Join Zvika, Brittany, and Estee for an intimate chat ​about everything Chochmat! Ask questions, follow up ​on Zvika’s teachings, debrief your High Holy Days ​experiences, learn about our unique approach to ​Jewish spirituality, and connect with new people in ​an easy and low pressure way. Great if you

are new or new-ish to Chochmat

and want to learn more.

Mystical Sukkot Ritual

Thursday, October 17, 7-8:30pm

We gather in the Sukkah for the ancient ​Hakel harvest ceremony. We will practice ​Ushpizim, invoking our ancestors, ​teachers, and mentors; offer the ​traditional Hebrew prayer for rain (Tefilat ​Geshem); engage in guided contemplation ​in small groups; and conclude with the ​Temple consecration ritual of pouring ​wine and water.

Sukkot Community Celebration

Sunday, October 20, 3-5pm

Join us for art, music, and appetizers as we ​decorate the Sukkah. Bring a dish, a photo ​of a loved one, or a decoration. All ages ​welcome, families encouraged!

Lunch + Lounge Under the Sukkah

October 21, 22, 23, 12-1:15pm

Bring your lunch and come socialize! A ​great casual opportunity to visit Chochmat ​during the week and enjoy the art of the ​sacred schmooze with new or old friends, ​Chochmat staff, and community weavers.


Simchat Torah at Urban Adamah

Thursday, October 24, 6-9:30pm

A joyous, multi-generational celebration of ​Torah. Dance to Klezmer and shake off the ​last morsels of 5784! Special tot program ​5:30-6pm.

Save the Date!

  • December 2024 (Date TBD) - Hanukkah ​Party
  • Thursday, March 13, 2025 – Purim at ​Urban Adamah with Carnival, Megillah ​Reading, and Dance Party
  • Sunday, April 13, 2024 Interactive ​Passover Family Seder Extravaganza
  • Sunday, June 1, 2025 – Shavuot All-Night ​Mystical Experience with LABA Bay: ​Laboratory for Jewish Arts and Culture

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Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat

1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, 6pm

Our core spiritual offering! A mystical ​tradition full of embodied prayer, ​soulful singing, ecstatic dancing, guided ​meditation, sharing of ancestral ​wisdom, and connection in ​intergenerational community. After ​services, stay for our community oneg ​potluck dinner and schmooze.

Check the calendar for special Shabbat ​offerings including Kohenet (Hebrew ​Priestess) Shabbats and Wilderness ​Torah Shabbats!

HeartSpace at 8pm

Provocative experiences to blow your ​mind and open your heart!

Upcoming HeartSpace guests include:

- November 1: Elissa Strauss, author of ​When We Care, in discussion with Zvika

- November 15: Live Klezmer music and ​celebratory communal dancing with ​Solomon Alber and band Dobry Dobry.

A Chochmat favorite not to be missed!

- December 6: Stanford Scholar Jon ​Branfman discussion on Hollywood ​Millennial Celebrities and Anti-Semitism


Join Our ​HeartSpace ​WhatsApp



Shabbat Torah Service

2nd Saturday of the month, 10:30am

A heart-opening prayer service and Torah experience that ​mines the texts of our ancestral wisdom for modern meaning.

Contemplative Shabbat

4th Saturday of the month, 11am

Introspective lay-lead service featuring chanting, meditation, ​deep personal prayer, Torah teaching, and Mourner’s Kaddish. ​Chesed Care Circle after services where we celebrate joys, ​console losses, and foster community intimacy through ​sharing circles and community art projects.

Add Chochmat

to your

Google Calendar



Online Meditation Classes

Monday 7pm, & Wednesday 8:15am

Engage in Jewish contemplative practice with our team

of experienced teachers. All levels welcome, particularly ​newcomers!

Torah Study

Saturday, 9:30am, Online & In Person

This lay-led group meets to collectively read the weekly ​Torah parsha in English and share our reactions and ​questions in a lively discussion.

And more coming this year...


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We pride ourselves on being a diverse intergenerational community ​where families of all shapes and sizes can grow and thrive!

Mitzvat HaLev (Connect to the Heart)

Our innovative B’Mitzvah program for 6th-​7th graders fosters lifelong Jewish learning ​and relationships, including Hebrew study, ​joyful prayer, ancient texts, and progressive ​values. Last chance to sign up for our 2024-​2025 cohort starting in October!

Torat HaLev (Path of the Heart)

Our new educational program for 3rd-5th ​graders offers a creative, heart-centered ​space to learn Hebrew, explore Torah, and ​engage in ritual. Starting in October, sessions ​will likely be held one Shabbat a month and ​two Sundays a month but we will poll ​families before finalizing the days.

Chavurat HaLev

(Friendships of the Heart)

Families with kids ages 1-8 meet monthly in ​small groups on Saturday afternoons, with ​activities led by our creative educators, as ​well as adult discussions on parenting, ​Judaism, and spirituality.

Kids Room @ Kabbalat Shabbat Services

Join us 1st and 3rd Friday nights of the month, where ​kids are always welcome for our joyous singing and ​dancing, as well as in our dedicated children’s room ​with counselors and games.

Sukkot Community Celebration

Sun. Oct. 20, 3-5pm

Join us for art, music, and light appetizers as we decorate ​the Sukkah. Feel free to bring a dish, a photo of a loved ​one, or a decoration. All ages are welcome!

Scan the QR Code to join our active ​Families Whatsapp Group to meet ​other families, learn about upcoming ​events, and to give and receive ​support!

New Family Programs

Interested in a monthly or quarterly Family Shabbat, ​with a service designed specially for kids? A weekend ​Family Retreat with great programming for kids and ​adults? Email overman.jenny@gmail.com so we can ​gauge interest.



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Open to all members and non-members, Build ​relationships with the Chochmat community through ​volunteer-led initiatives around shared interests!

Anti-Racism Mitzvah Project (AMP)

First Wednesday of the month, 7pm

Gather with other Chochmat allies who are ​committed to learning more about implicit and ​explicit biases, increasing self-awareness, and ​taking meaningful action that forwards racial ​justice. To learn more, contact Inette Dishler at ​idishler@gmail.com

Jews in Recovery

Whether you are in recovery from addiction or ​supporting someone who is, join us in creating a ​safe space for sharing experiences, strength, and ​hope. Contact Brittany at brittany@chochmat.org ​to learn more.

Dayenu Chochmat – Climate Justice

Dayenu is mobilizing American Jews to confront ​the climate crisis with spiritual audacity and ​bold political action. Chochmat members meet ​up to learn, connect, and mobilize. To learn ​more, contact Grey Cunningham at ​sarahcunninghammsw@gmail.com

Art Affinity Group

Chochmat artists of all levels and experience gather ​to nurture art in the Chochmat building, curate ​community art shows, and discuss our own art ​projects. Please join us! Contact art@chochmat.org to ​learn more.

Mystical Music Jam

3rd Saturday of the month, 7pm

A gathering for all music lovers! Professional or ​novice, meet other musicians to explore making ​music in community. Bring an instrument or ​come and sing! Contact Solomon Alber at ​solomonalber@gmail.com to learn more.

Support Through Grief Affinty Group

Grief can be an isolating journey, but within a ​supportive community, there is the potential for deep ​healing and connection. We’re considering forming a ​grief support circle where people can share their ​personal stories, offer mutual comfort, and be truly ​heard. If you feel drawn to this kind of space, please ​reach out to brittany@chochmat.org to learn more.



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Intimate opportunities

for deep connection

and spiritual exploration

Tikkun Middot Practice Group

Tuesday evenings starting October 22

Explore ancient and contemporary Jewish ​wisdom teachings on Tikkun Middot, the ​practice of refining our character through the ​cultivation of the virtues such as gratitude, ​humility, and generosity, using text study, ​storytelling, chanting, simple movement, and ​meditation practices. Led by Estelle Frankel ​and Jeffrey Kessler.

Rosh Chodesh Circles

Build deep connection and community in ​small monthly groups. Each group will offer ​time for reflection, intention-setting, and ​uplifting rituals that are tied to the unique ​energies of the new Jewish month. Join our ​men, women, all-genders, and non-binary ​circles.

Email brittany@chochmat.org for more info.

Israel-Palestine Dialogue &

Listening Circles

In the aftermath of the tragic the events of ​October 7 and subsequent violence that ​continues in Israel-Palestine, Chochmat has ​been gathering our diverse community in ​small groups to share feelings, support ​each other, and navigate how to stay in ​connection with people who have different ​perspectives.


OpenLev: Soulful Coworking

Next Sessions: October 16 + November 13

Back by popular demand! Join an ​in-person community to bring ​intentionality and mindfulness into ​your workday while connecting ​with fellow open-hearted seekers. ​Sign up soon, our last few have ​sold out. Check out ​chochmat.org/openlev to register.

Intergenerational Shabbat Dinners

Next Dinner: December 13

Join us for Shabbat dinners hosted ​by Chochmat community members ​in their homes, full of ritual, stories, ​and interactive activities. A great ​way to meet new people, whether ​you're a longtime member or new to ​our community. Scan the QR code to ​sign up or let us know you’re ​interested.




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Chochmat’s Amazing Race

November 3, 2024, 10am

Chochmat members of all ages are invited to ​join game designer Brittany Berman for an epic, ​team-based scavenger hunt with hidden actors, ​clues, and secret missions! Brittany has created ​games for HBO, Google, and more—you won’t ​want to miss it!

Big Effin’ Sing!

November 10, 2024, 6pm

Join our heart-opening songleader Lauren ​Arrow and friends for an inclusive and ​gorgeous gathering of community, spirit, ​and song. No previous singing experience ​necessary.

Daylong Winter Meditation Retreat

January 12, 2025

A soulful day of instruction, meditation, ​gentle movement, teachings, journaling, and ​group reflection. We will rest our minds, ​restore our bodies, and revive the deep ​wisdom of our hearts together. No ​meditation experience needed.


Dr. Melila Hellner-Eshed

January 2025

Study with one of the world’s leading scholars ​of Jewish mysticism, visiting us from Jerusalem ​– a unique opportunity to dive deep into the ​Zohar and other mystical texts. An incredible ​teacher and facilitator. Melila makes these ​often-inscrutable tomes come alive with ​meaning and resonance. A Chochmat favorite, ​not to be missed!

Hadar’s Rising Song Institute (RSI) ​Daylong Retreat

March 30, 2025

Come learn and sing with some of the most ​innovative and soulful musicians in the Jewish ​world today. Hadar is partnering with ​Chochmat to host RSI’s first-ever West Coast ​retreat after years of spectacular gatherings in ​New York – a real treat!



to your







Chochmat HaLev’s 30th Anniversary


Rabbinic Ordination of

our Spiritual Leader, Zvika Krieger

Saturday Night, March 1, 2025

Celebrating the past 30 years


Visioning the next 30 years


radical spiritual innovation

and heart-opening community

Immersive Ritual - Soulful Music

Delicious Food - Provocative Wisdom

Interactive Blessing - Deep Connection

SAV E the Date and Stay Tuned for More Info

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As we envision the next chapter of Chochmat, ​here’s a peek into what we’re dreaming up. ​Email brittany@chochmat.org to let us know ​if you’re interested in any of these offerings so ​we know what to prioritize!


Adult B’Mitzvah

For adults who are looking to ​deepen their Jewish identity, ​confidence, and spiritual practice. ​Engage in learning about ​foundational Jewish traditions, ​texts, and rituals while building ​deep connection with a cohort of ​fellow seekers -- all culminating in ​a celebratory B’Mitzvah ceremony. ​Join us to celebrate this significant ​rite-of-passage – at any age!

Jewish Conversion Journey

A deep and welcoming gateway ​for those who seek to convert to ​Judaism, designed to empower you ​to live fully as Jew in your heart ​and in community. Participants ​explore Jewish beliefs and ​practices in a supportive cohort, ​combining group classes, ​individualized study, personal ​practice, and mentorship.

The Chochmat Spiritual Path

A series of foundational classes ​designed for those looking to ​develop a deep Jewish spiritual ​practice. Dive into Jewish mysticism, ​embodiment, prayer, meditation, and ​other components of Chochmat’s ​unique approach to Jewish ​spirituality.

Chochmat Community Retreat:

Retreat HaLev (Spring 2026)

We’re starting to plan for a weekend ​retreat near the Bay Area, and it's ​going to be deep, lush, and connective! ​Retreat HaLev will offer participants ​an immersive experience infused with ​joy, depth, and connection – all the ​magical elements of Chochmat in a ​more expansive container.

Weekly Sacred Dance

Immerse yourself in the rhythm of ​Jewish tradition with weekly ​embodiment sessions. Open to all, ​these classes invite you to connect ​with Spirit through dance, deepening ​your connection to yourself and ​community.



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Our community could not function

without everyone volunteering!

It’s also a great way to make new

friends, live your values, and

deepen your connection to Chochmat.

Scan this QR code to let us know how you’d like to serve:



We are thrilled by our growing potluck culture at ​Chochmat and are delighted to share in such ​colorful, generous feasts! And because we operate ​family-style out of our modest kitchen, we need ​the people power of our community to help keep ​our spaces clean and functional. This is humble, ​essential, gratifying work and surprisingly fun!

Community Weaving

Want to help make Chochmat more welcoming to ​new folks, and to help facilitate deeper ​relationships across our community? We’re looking ​for organizers, facilitators, thought partners – if you ​love connecting people, we want to hear from you! ​Email brittany@chochmat.org to learn more.


Do you want to be part of shaping Chochmat ​culture through brainstorming and facilitating ​vibrant programs? Connecting with our creative ​and talented community? Throwing parties??! ​Consider joining our programming committee to ​be in on making the magic happen! Email ​programming@chochmat.org to learn more.

Finance and Sustainability

Skilled with numbers? Excited about budgets? ​Experienced with grant writing? Committed to the ​financial health of your spiritual home? Plug-in to ​our Finance Committee and be part of keeping our ​foundation solid and sustainable.


We in search of folks who can help set strategy and ​priorities for our beautiful building, as well as extra ​hands to help setup and clean-up our many events. ​We also can always use help with various projects ​on the grounds, and would graciously welcome ​folks with a variety of handy-skills! Email ​shalom@chochmat.org to plug in.

High Holy Days

Did you love services this year and want to help ​make them happen next year? We’re looking for ​new members of our committee – and a new chair! – ​to orchestrate this multi-faceted experience and ​continue improving our offerings. We’re looking for ​folks with experience in event production, logistics, ​communications -- or a willingness to learn!

Support Roles

Don’t want to join a committee but still want to help? We need folks for: event check-in, event set-​up/clean-up, oneg/kitchen support, office support, reception, event management, marketing, grant writing ​and more! Scan the QR code above to let us know your interest or email brittany@chochmat.org.





Spiritual Leader: Zvika Krieger

Musical Director: Lior Tsarfaty

Community Weaver: Brittany Berman

Operations Manager: Sam Lyons

Operations Associate: Sophie Bassin

Facilities Manager: Tjarn Sako

B’Mitzva Educator: Kohenet Amanda Nube

Meditation Teachers: Zvi Bellen, Jeffrey ​Kessler, Jen Roitman, Daniella Salzman

Accountant: Pam Svendson

Web Designer: Lee Bearson

Committee Chairs

Facilities Committee: Lisa Strongin

Family Programing Committee:

Jenny Overman

Finance Committee: Cynthia Schrager

Heart2Heart: Shelley Coleman

Member Relationship Committee: ​Nitzan Pelman

Programming Committee:

Daniella Salzman

Ritual Committee: Janet Falk

High Holy Days Committee

Janet Falk (Chair), Judy Birnbaum, Inette ​Dishler, Sam Lyons, Stephanie ​Prausnitz, Lisa Strongin

Board of Directors

President: Estee Solomon Gray

Vice President: Neil Goldberg

Treasurer: Cynthia Schrager

Secretary: Jackie Hausman

Peter Arvai (Incoming Family ​Programming Committee Chair)

Max Epperson (Past President)

Nitzan Pelman

Ben Poretsky

Matt Weiss

Lily Wolff

Thanks to outgoing Board members

Judy Birnbaum

Andy Wolpert

Andrew Utiger


We invite you to become a member of Chochmat HaLev. Becoming a member ​means claiming your place in our community and taking an important step in your ​spiritual journey.

Membership is our single most important way of paying for our spiritual leadership ​team, musicians, staff, heart-opening Shabbat and Holiday services, cutting-edge ​programs, world-renowned teachers, beautiful physical space, increased security, ​and everything we do.

We invite you to invest in our community today. You can find out more by visiting our ​membership table in the courtyard, going to chochmat.org/join or scanning the QR ​code here.



Learn More about Joining: Tishrei Tea Time

with Spiritual Leader Zvika Krieger

Wednesday October 9 & 16, 6pm-7pm

Join Zvika and Brittany for an intimate chat about ​everything Chochmat! Ask questions, follow up on ​Zvika’s teachings, debrief your High Holy Day ​experiences, learn about Chochmat’s unique ​approach to Jewish sprituality, and connect with ​new people in an easy and low pressure way.

New Member Initiation Ritual

Sunday, November 12, 6-8pm

Join us for a deeply personal, small group ​ceremony with Zvika and be witnessed as you ​step into your Jewish heart and home. Set ​intentions for this next chapter of your spiritual ​journey.


Email brittany@chochmat.org 

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by Joining Our

Chochmat Family

If you were touched by High Holy Days services and want this kind of experience to be part ​of your life the rest of the year...

If you are hungry for open-hearted community, full of rich friendships and mutual care...

If you are yearning for Jewish spirituality that is deep and meaningful...

If you are looking for a welcoming Jewish home that aligns with your values, where you feel ​seen and held in your complexity…

We invite you to contribute financially

to make our community happen

at the level that is right for you.

Builders help Chochmat lead and innovate.

Builders help Chochmat establish leadership in the Jewish world through innovative ​spiritual offerings that set a national standard. If you have disposable income and can ​contribute more than most, this is the right level for you. Builders participate in an ​annual visioning exercise with our Spiritual Leader and Board of Directors.

1 Adult: $3,200/year (about $267/month) ⁓ 2+ Adults: $4,600/year (about $383/month)

Sustainers are the bedrock of our community

Sustainers take pride in knowing that you make this whole magical community happen. You support ​Shabbat services, high profile speakers, our extensive slate of cutting-edge programming, and our ​foundational staff. You show up for Chochmat!

1 Adult: $1,800/year (about $150/month) ⁓ 2+ Adults: $2,500/year (about $208/month)

Supporters understand that together we thrive.

If money is tight or if you are just starting a family or career, this may be the membership level for you. ​We count on our supporters to join with others to help our community sparkle. And we know that in the ​future, if you can offer more, you’ll return the gift for others.

1 Adult: $1,200/year (about $100/month) ⁓ 2+ Adults: $1,700/year (about $142/month)

To join

or scan


QR code


Not in your budget?

We want to support your ​financial capacity. Email ​brittany@chochmat.org to ​discuss a number that’s right ​for you. Or visit our ​membership table in the ​courtyard!

Membership​ Options​


Our membership dues only cover 40 percent of our ​operating costs.

Help us fill our budget deficit by contributing to our ​High Holy Days giving campaign: Mi Yarum – Who ​Will Elevate? Our community needs you to raise our ​sacred work to the next level.

If you are inspired by our High Holy Days services, if ​you’re excited by all the opportunities to GO DEEPER ​this year and beyond, please consider supporting us.

To donate, go to https://tinyurl.com/CHLGive

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or scan this

Chochmat HaLev